State E-Waste Legislation in the U.S.

West Virginia
- Population: 1,815,857
- % of US Population: 0.5575%
State E-Waste Program
Producer Responsibility Program
Landfill/Disposal Ban
West Virginia has a ban on computers, laptops, computer monitors, and televisions that became effective 1/1/2011.
Program Website
Program Type
Manufacturer Operated Program
Quick Summary
Under the West Virginia Electronics Recycling Program, manufacturers of covered electronic devices (CEDs) can choose to implement a takeback program for their brand of CEDs from West Virginia consumers or pay a higher annual fee for not implementing a program. If a manufacturer chooses to implement their own takeback program, it must be free to consumers and reasonably convenient which can include a mail-back program, drop off center, or collection event.
Computers, Laptops, Computer Monitors, Televisions
Important Deadlines
Program Year
January 1 to December 31
Registration Date
January 1
Registration Form
Registration Renewal
Registration Fee
After the initial registration ($10,000 for non-program; $3,000 for a program), manufacturer must pay the following fees: $500 for manufacturers that implement a takeback program, $5,000 for manufacturers that do not implement a takeback program.
Recycling Plan Due Date
Recycling Plan Form
Reporting Date
February 15
Reporting Form
Eligible Products
Computers, Laptops, Computer Monitors, Televisions
Eligible Entities to Collect From
Any entity
Recycling Obligation
Convenience Requirements
Recycler Requirements
Collector Requirements
Link to Legislation
Link to Regulations
State Agency
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
State Agency Contact(s)
Sandra Rogers
(304) 926-0499 x1004